Wednesday 1 November 2017

Daisy Chain Betting

The daisy chain bet is a good betting strategy to use, if you like to bet on ongoing sporting events. The odds of a positive result are certainly far more in your favour, than using an accumulator type of bet, as if the first bet should lose, the 2nd bet will still kick into play.

Although you will really need to study your selections, for this to work or you could go the easy way and select the obvious favourites and hope for the best.

Alternatively, you can go pro style and get some professional advice from someone in the know.

The daisy chain bet can be used with different sporting events and the good thing is that you can mix the sports, any which way you like, but note that not all sports have an 'each way', option.

So, this is how it works...

Bet 1 Any Horse @5/1
Bet 2 Any Football Team @3/1
Bet 3 Any Tennis Player @7/1
Bet 4 Any Golf Player @2/1
Bet 5 Any Rugby Team @ 4/1

Bet 1, needs to be placed as a single bet and also combined as a double with Bet 2.

Bet 2, needs to be placed as a single bet and also combined as a double with Bet 3.

Bet 3, needs to be placed as a single bet and also combined as a double with Bet 4.

Bet 4, needs to be placed as a single bet and also combined as a double with Bet 5.

Bet 5, only needs to be placed as a single bet (as it is already doubled with bet 4), to complete the daisy chain.

That's a total of 9 bets in all. (5 singles + 4 doubles)

When all nine of the bets are won, the payout can be quite respectable, even using just a £1.00 stake for each bet, giving a total of a £9.00 stake.

Here's the result for the singles
Bet 1= £6.00
Bet 2= £4.00
Bet 3= £8.00
Bet 4= £3.00
Bet 5= £5.00

And here's the result for the doubles
Bet 1 + Bet 2= £24.00
Bet 2 + Bet 3= £32.00
Bet 3 + Bet 4= £24.00
Bet 4 + Bet 5= £15.00

Should every bet win it would give a grand total winnings from this daisy chain = £121.00 from a £9.00 stake.

Although, unlike an accumulator, not every bet would need to win to get a decent profit back and as you can see, a win from the Bet 3 single would pay £8.00 alone.

If you wanted more of a safety net, you could half the stakes and place these bets as each way. But again, not all sports have an each way option.

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'Bets' Wishes, Bet Tips UK


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